About Me

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Living on the edge of the world is unique; the ocean is present at all times. Life is meant to be enjoyed since it is a gift from God; mine is active, fun, and interesting. I'm inspired by finding happiness in what I already have been given; it's up to you today to do the same.

Monday, July 11, 2016


Sometimes it is the little things in life that make us happy.  I have small collections of little things; glass beads, red buttons, pretty shells, unusual stones, sea glass of multi colors, old books, pencils, both leaded and colored, micro-tip pens, tiny mugs, pill boxes, and boxes of friends' letters.  What I enjoy is getting my little things out and looking at them.  Sometimes I draw, use a mug, or re-read a letter.  It just makes me happy, and that is up to me. 


  1. I love knowing this about you. You are such a wonderful, intriguing person. ((HUGS))
