About Me

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Living on the edge of the world is unique; the ocean is present at all times. Life is meant to be enjoyed since it is a gift from God; mine is active, fun, and interesting. I'm inspired by finding happiness in what I already have been given; it's up to you today to do the same.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Didn't sleep much this week but I don't mind.  Much.  One thing I've noticed is what goes on in the night that isn't happening in the day.  It is very quiet so I can think and listen.  Sometimes a lone bird calls out, a car engine starts up, or a dog barks  That's about it, except for what's in my mind.

During a particularly rough week, I awoke to a voice, not audible, but a voice all the same.  I knew it was God and He knew I had been overthinking.  Again.  And He told me that everyone in my life was in a personal process of  their own, and that I had to be ok with whatever that is.  "Give them to Me," he said. 

It was a faith issue God was zeroing in on, and He was right.  I had to let go to Him what I  could not  control, to rest in the assurance of God's ability to make all things right when I surrender to His will.  And that has been part of my personal process in restoring some happiness to my life.